Chapel at The Lion’s Den
“Demonstrating The Word of GOD”
Sunday Worship Service
The Lion’s Den Missions Base, Fort Lauderdale, Florida location is transformed for Chapel each Sunday from 11:00am-12:30pm.
Good new!! You can also join us virtually at 11:15am (EST), every Sunday, via the links below.
Spiritual Bootcamp Worship Service
Interested in going deeper? Join us via Zoom from 7:30pm- 9:00pm, every Tuesday to learn how to operate in the “naturally supernatural” abilities given to you by GOD. Text “Bootcamp” to 855-805-0698 to receive meeting coordinates.
The Experience: Friday (Shabbat) Prophetic Soaking, Healing, and Intercessory Service.
Join us at TLD’s Fort Lauderdale, Florida location every Friday, at 7:00pm for a power-packed time with GOD. Have questions? Text us at 855-805-0698 to learn more.
Prayer Requests
Do you have a prayer request? Submit it virtually during our live broadcast by using the “comment” or “message” feature or email your prayer request to:
lastly you can use TLD Text line at 855-805-0698
Not able to watch live? That’s okay, view the replays through the links above. Also, please invite others to watch with you by using the “share” feature on Facebook.
Agnostics, Atheists and Those of Other Faiths
From Atheists to Hindus and senior citizens to millennials, you will find everyone under the sun serving at TLD. You are safe to be embraced here at TLD. We need your skill and perspective to be the best we can be for our communities. When volunteering at TLD, it is not a requirement to attend Chapel, yet you are free to stop in and visit to learn more about our beliefs, as many have.
TLD was founded to model Jesus in the following ways:
– Focusing on the oppressed and underserved,
– Encouraging relationship over religion (He only ridiculed the religious),
– Seeking a platform diversity (Jesus often emphasized relationships with those who have opposing views and/or suffered from persecution.)
Believers in Jesus who attend Chapel at TLD do not believe in “converting” people; rather living a life that provokes interest and desire with an emphasis on actions over words.
For Believers in Jesus
Chapel at TLD will be sure to challenge and expand your relationship with GOD. Those who have attended have expressed the overwhelming presence of GOD noticeably found during Chapel. You will be taught and presented the opportunity to function in your GOD-given gifts and talents. Those coming with an open heart will experience:
– The supernatural nature of GOD,
– In-depth, biblical-based teaching inspired by The Holy Spirit,
– Character modeled.
Believers in Jesus who attend Chapel at TLD believe that GOD is expressed not in speech alone, but tangibly through character and demonstration of the supernatural.
Protect Yourself And Others
Are you feeling unwell? Coughing? Fever? or Extremely tired? Looking after an ill family member with previously mentioned symptoms’?
Please stay at home and stay connected.
Facebook Live:
TLD website:
For Your Safety:
- Wear a Mask if you have underlying medical conditions
- Make sure your mask covers your nose, mouth and chin.
- if any of friends or family have symptoms, if you must visit them, wear a mask and social distance