S.W.A.T Training & Development Initiative
As a house of worship, TLD launched its Soul Winning Action Team (S.W.A.T.) Training & Deployment Initiative to develop, equip, and deploy Believers to demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus throughout the world. The initiative is supported by coursework and practical training.  


TLD S.W.A.T. members are deployed in: 

  • Power-based Evangelism: Employing the supernatural Gifts of The Holy Spirit for the sake of winning the lost. The S.W.A.T.’s Power-based Evangelism demonstrates the unmatched ability of GOD to supernaturally change broken circumstances. It is ultimately an extension of GOD’s love as He penetrates the hearts and minds of the recipient—oftentimes causing immediate conviction, repentance, and salvation.
  • Soul-based Evangelism: Through the creation of or attendance events (coffee house meet-ups, social events, arts & music functions, sporting events, craft shows, etc.) TLD’s S.W.A.T reached the recipient’s heart by way of emotional, intellectual, and relational appeal. The S.W.A.T.’s Soul-based Evangelism “meets people where they are,” to start/develop long-term relationships in a setting that is comfortable and intriguing to the recipient. Hearts and souls are ultimately won and healed through authentic relationships.
  • Spontaneous-Prophetic Evangelism: Through the leading of The Holy Spirit, S.W.A.T. members are trained to seize opportunities to win the  souls of those in their daily lives, such as family, co-workers, neighbors, unique encounters, etc.

Opportunities to volunteer in TLD’s S.W.A.T. Training & Development Initiative include positions as:

  • S.W.A.T. Group Leaders
  • Prophetic Intercessory Leader
  • Community Integrators
  • Life Engineers (Spiritual & Emotional Mentors)
  • Social Media Support Staff
  • Administrative Support Staff
  • Training & Development Staff

To register  as a volunteer for  TLD’s S.W.A.T. Training & Development Initiative go the TLD Volunteer Registration Form or email  Jacqueline.brown@themissionsbase.org

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