Starting in Power Calendar Year 2025:
Unlocking the Supernatural 
21-Days of Fasting, Coaching & Prayer
January 10th-31st, 2025

Are you expecting 2025 to be your year of transformation? Do you believe that GOD still performs miracles in the lives of those who seek HIM? If so, the beginning to unlocking the supernatural in 2025 —whether in your life or that of someone you love and are praying for —is deepening your relationship and supernatural partnership with GOD. 

Through 21-Days of targeted fasting and prayer you will develop a strong sense that Jesus is capable and willing to act on your requests and aide you in achieving your GOD-inspired goals. 

In this 21-Day Journey, Dr. Jackson will guide you in uncovering GOD in action, by examining GOD’s demonstrated desire to intervene in the lives of those who diligently seek HIM. In the 10th Chapter of Daniel, a mighty angel was dispatched to honor Daniel’s request after he petitioned GOD through 21-Days of prayer and fasting. The good news… GOD is still awaiting and responding to those who are willing to petition HIM.

To ensure that you are fully equipped to make the most of this time of communion with GOD…
The 21-Day Fast includes: 
  1. 21-Day Fasting Schedule: inclusive of Three fasting options. 
  1. 21- Day Coaching, Supernatural Prayer & Communion Schedule: led nightly by Dr. Jackson revealing the mysteries to releasing prayers that change your environment, concluded by your personal time commitment to GOD.

21- Day Fasting Schedule 

This 21-day Fast is centered on your spiritual, financial and relational advancement according to GOD’S plan. Expect restored and strengthened relationships, spontaneous development of ideas and strategies, an increase in supernatural awareness and a renewed closeness with GOD.

* Fasting begins Friday, January 10, 2025 at 7:00pm.

* Fasting ends Friday, January 31, 2025 at 8:30pm.

* There are 4 Fasting Options to choose from as you are led, do your best to commit through the process. Options include one of the following: 

1.Full-Day Liquid Fast: Participating in full liquid fast for the 21-Day duration. Liquids include: protein drinks, juices, blended soups, broths, etc. If it can be drunk, you may have it. Do not drink anything that has animal derivatives in it ( bacon, ham, eggs) as some soups have.
2.Partial-Day Liquid Fast: Participating in partial day liquid fast from sun-up to sundown as defined above. May eat fruits and vegetables from sundown to sun-up.  Do not eat anything breaded or pasta based. This to to be a vegan diet. 
3.Full Day Daniel Fast:  Participating in a Daniel Fast for the 21-Day duration.  May eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds and legumes (beans)
 Avoid All meat & animal products (bacon, beef, buffalo, eggs, fish, lamb, poultry, and pork) All dairy products (butter, cheese, cream, milk, and yogurt). All sweeteners (agave nectar, artificial sweeteners, brown rice syrup, cane juice, honey, molasses, raw sugar, syrups, stevia, and sugar. All leavened bread & yeast . All refined & processed food products  (artificial flavorings, chemicals, food additives, preservatives, white flour, and white rice). All deep fried foods (corn chips,
4. Technology Fast and sugar: participate in an 21-day without TV, social media, minimal use of phones, and sugar. (remember this is outside of your employment duties
Throughout the 21-day fast, Dr. Jackson and TLD Team will provide mini-teachings on how to release targeted prayers in each area of your life, followed by prayer for participants and concluded by participants spending committed time with GOD.

french fries, and potato chips). All alcoholic and carbonated. 

Fasting requires reasonable precautions, If you have a chronic illness, or take prescription medications, or are pregnant always consult your physician before you fast. 

*You are encouraged to partner with a friend or group throughout the processes. 

Coaching,Supernatural Prayer and Communion Schedule 

Throughout the 21-day fast, Dr. Jackson provides mini-teachings on how to release targeted prayers in each area of your life, followed by prayer for participants and concluded by participants spending committed time with GOD.

*For the duration of the fast beginning on Friday, January 10, 2025 from 7:00pm -8:30pm nightly, Dr. Jackson will lead participants through how to pray key scriptures to impact their destiny. The call will begin promptly at 7:00pm, nightly. 

*For the duration of the fast beginning on Friday, January 10, 2025 from 7:00pm –Friday, January 31, 2025 at 8:30 pm participants will spend time with their families, friends or prayer partners of choice to review, discuss and pray the nightly scriptures. As led, participants are encouraged to take Communion at the conclusion of their nightly prayer session.

*As a means to hear GOD clearly and receive HIS divine inspiration participants are encouraged not to watch television or participate in social media after 9:00pm for the duration of the fast. 

Friday, January 10, 2025  at 7:00pm – Friday, January 31, 2025 at  8:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

*You are encouraged to partner with a friend or group throughout the process.

Use TLD Text line for questions
or Email: jacqueline.brown@themissionsbase’org
One of our team members will be glad to help.
Start in Power 2025

Jan. 10th 2025-Jan. 31st, 2025